
AGILE Real Estate

We are professional consultants and interim managers for institutional real estate investors such as capital management companies (KAGB), Asset Manager, Family offices or other large real estate portfolio holders and investors.

We bring our many years of experience to bear in advising our customers.


increased performance through active management

We define real estate asset management as planning, steering, implementation and control of all value-influencing measures along the entire value chain of a property resp. of a real estate portfolio according to the objectives of the owner. The focus here is on the value-influencing measures along the real estate investment value chain, these can vary according to the rate of return- and risk targets of the owner. The asset manager assumes responsibility for full owner representation in a fiduciary capacity.

In general, between strategies Core, Core+, Distinguished between Value-Add and Opportunistic. The strategies differ fundamentally in the following areas:

    • Location risk
    • Asset risk
    • Holding period
    • Use of equity/debt capital
    • Expected return

While the core strategy is risk-averse and aims for a low but secure cash flow, the opportunistic strategy seeks to take on the risk (opportunities) to achieve maximum returns.

Usually core/core+ strategies will be pursued by portfolio holders with a long investment horizon. The properties are in good to very good locations, have a new to good asset- and rental quality and are equity owned (full-equity) or equipped with moderate financing.

Value-Add or opportunistic strategies mostly come with assets with clear weaknesses, high vacancies and poor rentability, for use. Through targeted structural measures (refurbishment, light-refurbishment) or restructuring, the property should be repositioned and ideally converted into a core/core+ investment.

AGILE Real Estate advises and supports real estate investors and real estate portfolio holders with planned purchases and with existing real estate, both on asset- as well as at portfolio level and offers i.a. the following range of services:

    • Development of investment strategies
    • Financing management
    • Development and implementation of usage concepts
    • Value-added property management
    • Portfolio integration of newly acquired assets
    • Identification of revenue increases- and cost reduction potential
    • Selection and control of legal, technical and economic external partner
    • Reporting
    • Optimization of the tenant structure and the rental contracts
    • Turnaround- and value creation strategy for NPL packages or. distressed properties
    • Cash flow / business plan creation. profitability- and risk assessment
    • Real estate scoring for potential- and risk analysis

Our Real Estate Asset Management Process

performance made of passion, Experience and training are the basis for us "Operational Excellence"

1. Inventory
basis of all further actions
Detailed property inspection

Collection of the basic data of the property (surfaces, Lease Agreement Data, etc.)

Determination of condition and rentability

2. Analysis
asset & portfolio-level
Location- and market analysis (achievable rental prices, vacancy rates, incentives, etc.)

Target group definition

SWOT analysis of the property

Cluster formation in portfolio analyses

3. Strategy Development
basis - owners' risk-return profile
Development of value preservation- or value-add strategies

Preparation of holding-, development, investment- resp. divestment strategies

Preparation of business plans

Development of cash flow models

4. Implementation
of the developed asset strategy
Development of action plans

Implementation or transfer to service providers

5. Control & Reporting
control- and monitoring function
Ongoing monitoring of target achievement

Reporting to the owners

Adjustment of strategy / business plan to changed framework conditions

6. Digital
state-of-the-art IT methods and processes
We have our own software development expertise and are therefore able to generate ideal software solutions at short notice.